Couples who are trying to conceive may face difficulty in getting pregnant especially if there are underlying reproductive problems preventing them from having a baby, such as advanced age, medical conditions, obesity, among many other reasons. The problem could lie in the male partner, the female partner, or both, and these problems may only become visible after a thorough examination and reproductive counseling.
The road to getting pregnant may not be as smooth for many couples as it is to others. Knowing what to do and where to get help can go a long way towards increasing a couple’s chances of a successful pregnancy. Read on to know couples can increase their chances of getting pregnant.
1. Get a Preconception Checkup
Talking to the OB-GYN is useful especially for couples who want to cover all bases prior to starting their attempts. The doctor will conduct a reproductive assessment, screen the pair for conditions that may affect their chances of successful fertilization, and prescribe medications that can help raise the chances for a successful pregnancy. A preconception check-up can help couples remove potential obstacles that could cause delays down the road.
2. Record Ovulation and Menstruation Cycles
Women can increase their chances of getting pregnant by recording their menstrual cycle frequency and calculating ovulation. Doing so will tell the woman whether her cycle is regular or not. A regular cycle can give the woman a better chance of predicting when she is ovulating. If the cycle is irregular, the period lengths tend to vary from one month to another.
Monitoring ovulation can also help the couple in their attempt to conceive at the best times. For example, doing a simple test for ovulation such as tracking cervical mucus can be useful for knowing the woman’s most fertile period. When the mucus is thin, clear, and slippery, this is often an ideal period for fertilization since the slippery mucus can help propel the sperm to the egg.
3. Don’t Rush It
Couples who want to get pregnant tend to become frustrated when attempts to have a baby fail after a few months. Experts will tell you that even normal, fertile couples can take months to successfully get pregnant. Having all these expectations can lead to frustration when you don’t get results right away. If you are under 35, you can afford to take your time.
Even if you know all the tricks on how to get pregnant fast but you are not emotionally and mentally primed, you are more likely to face more challenges than if you attempted to get pregnant when you are relaxed and mentally ready for the process.
4. Hydrate
It is important for both men and women to drink plenty of water when attempting to conceive. Drink up to 10 cups a day to help the kidneys flush waste products out of the body. Proper elimination ensures the quality of fertile cervical fluid to increase the chances of successful fertilization.
5. Cut Down on Caffeine
Caffeine has been shown to contribute to the constriction of blood vessels in the womb. This can lead to reduced circulation in the uterus.
6. Ensure Optimum Male Health
Problems with conception are not limited to female reproductive problems. Fertility examinations can reveal problems with the male partner, from premature ejaculation to male infertility.
Wearing loose-fitting underwear, drinking plenty of water and avoiding exercises like biking may help increase sperm count in men. The doctor may order a male infertility test or prescribe vitamins for male fertility as needed.
7. Stop Smoking or Drinking
Smoking and drinking alcohol can contribute to fertility problems in both men and women. Nicotine and carbon monoxide can speed up the loss rate of a woman’s eggs and lead to premature depletion of egg supply. Secondhand smoke may also affect a woman’s chances to conceive as well as the chances for a successful pregnancy and delivery. In men, smoking can contribute to DNA damage in sperm and affect sperm maturity which could be the reason behind the difficulty to conceive.
8. Maintain a “Healthy” Body Weight
Couples trying to get pregnant are often advised to maintain healthy, normal body weight during the attempt. Normal body weight is particularly significant for women. Being overweight can negatively affect a woman’s chances of conception.
This is also true if the woman is underweight. Too much fat in the body can lead to excess estrogen which can affect ovulation. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, losing up to 10% of body weight for a woman who is overweight can help raise a woman’s chances of getting pregnant.
If a woman is grossly underweight, hormonal fluctuations can also affect her ability to get pregnant.
9. Try Different Positions
Trying out different positions is one way to take the edge out of trying to conceive. Contrary to popular belief, there really is no optimum position to get pregnant.
While many couples believe that missionary is the ideal position to get pregnant, doctors will tell you that the sperm’s chances of successfully reaching the egg remain the same after ejaculation, regardless of the sexual position. Changing up your positions allows you to have fun, relax, and enjoy the process of baby-making.
10. Don’t Treat Sex as a Chore
Some couples may become so determined to have a child that intercourse becomes a scheduled activity revolving around optimum fertile dates. Avoid having sex for reproductive purposes alone. Otherwise, you run the risk of burnout or frustration.
11. Have Sex a Few Days Before Ovulation
If you can time your ovulation well enough, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant by attempting pregnancy a couple of days prior to ovulation. This is because only having sex on the day of ovulation may be too late especially if you are off in your counting. Having sex two or three days prior to ovulation can help raise the chances of successful fertilization.
12. Seek Professional Guidance Sooner Rather Than Later
If you are 35 years old or older, you may be better served if you get professional help during the earliest stages of your attempt. Biologically, women are more prone to failed pregnancy attempts the older they get. Visiting a fertility clinic and getting professional help can help you minimize these risks while ensuring that your attempts to conceive remain safe.